Betfair Poker for Ubuntu
written by: John
Online Poker » Betfair Poker » Betfair Poker on Ubuntu
Betfair Poker, a section of the Betfair online gambling site, has been providing real money online poker to players around the world for years. Betfair Poker is currently offering downloadable software for Mac OS and Windows. However, they do not provide native software support for the Ubuntu operating system. Fortunately, this restriction can be circumvented through the use of an emulation program. Because of this, Betfair Poker Ubuntu can be downloaded and installed quite easily.
Installing Betfair Poker for Ubuntu
Before you download Betfair Poker and begin playing for real money, you'll need to install Wine. Wine is a well-known emulation program that allows Ubuntu users to install and run applications designed for Windows. The program is free and can easily be downloaded and installed in a matter of minutes. Following a few steps will allow you to complete the process:
1. Launch the Synaptic program on your Ubuntu computer.
2. Click on Settings, then Repositories.
3. Universe must be enabled in order for Synaptic to find the Wine application. Click on it to enable it.
4. Search for Wine.
5. Click on Wine to inform Synaptic that you wish to install it.
6. Click Apply.
7. Watch as Wine automatically downloads and installs to your hard drive. You'll want to save Wine in a familiar location, such as the Applications folder, as you'll need to use it later.
Your computer is now prepared to run Windows applications, including Betfair Poker. Visit and click the Download Now link. Betfair may have difficulty recognizing your operating system, in which case you should click the Windows Users link found near the top of the screen. Despite the fact that your computer will still be running Ubuntu, the Windows version of Betfair Poker should run acceptably through Wine.
Betfair Poker Ubuntu Features
Betfair Poker Ubuntu has plenty of useful features that will be familiar to online poker veterans, including player note taking, poker statistics and hand histories. In addition, the site is ideal for multitablers, as up to 15 tables can be played simultaneously. These tables are independently resizable - something that hardcore multitablers will appreciate.
In some cases, Betfair Poker Ubuntu users experience occasional glitches and graphical errors. These are usually just an inconvenience, but they can sometimes affect play. To reduce the likelihood of experiencing these errors, it is advisable to be sure to install the latest version of Wine. Although Betfair Poker does not officially support Wine, and will therefore be of little help when it comes to technical issues, you may be able to resolve these types of problems on your own by referring to the Wine documentation. Overall, Betfair Poker for Ubuntu represents a great way to experience online poker within the Ubuntu operating system.