Nov 8 2011

Adrien Allain Wins WPT Amneville

written by: James under News Comments: Comments Off

After five days of action, the 2011 edition of World Poker Tour Amneville is now over. Adrien Allain emerged victorious among 378 other runners to win the title along with a massive 310k Euro.

Despite his relatively young age of 25, Allain has developed an impressive live poker tournament resume that includes a 2009 win at the Asian Poker Tour Macau for $391k, along with two money finishes at this year’s WSOPE. One of those finishes took the form of a final table run in the 2,500 Euro buy-in 6-Max NLHE tournament.

The six-handed final table at WPT Amneville was a slugfest, with over two hours passing before the first elimination. The victim was Arnaud Trouer, who pushed all-in with A-Q offsuit against the A-J suited of Allain. Allain scored trip jacks on the flop and Trouer was sent to the cage for almost 48k Euro.

Michel Konieczny hit the rail next when his A-10 suited couldn’t hold up against the pocket queens of Scott Baumstein. The garbage board sent him packing with 60k Euro. Baumstein himself was then eliminated with 7-7 under K-J suited, held by Jordan Quin.

Exiting in third place was Thibaud Guenegou, who pushed all-in with A-7 offsuit against the A-Q of Allain. Allain scored a pair on the flop, leaving Guenegou with 113k Euro.

Heads-up play then ensued between Allain and Quin, with both holding roughly even chip stacks. The pivotal hand came when Allain scored a flush, resulting in a nearly 5:1 chip lead. On the final hand, Quin pushed his remaining 1.5 million chips in on the strength of his K-9 offsuit. Allain was holding pocket 10s, however, and a mutually unhelpful board sent Quin home with 170k Euro.

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