Oct 12 2011

Are players really going to boycott the Epic Poker League?

written by: Steve under News Comments: Comments Off

Last night on Twitter there was an odd exchange between Kathy Liebert (known for many odd exchanges on Twitter) and Michael Divita, who you may recall was barred from participating in the Epic Poker League Main Event after winning his way in through the Pro-Am tournament when it was learned that he was a registered sex offender.

While the barring of Divita raised few eyebrows, the way the Epic Poker League sent him packing did; basically handing him his $1,500 buy-in back even though the seat he rightly won was worth $20,000 –or as Adam Schoenfeld called it on DonkDown Radio, the Epic Poker League “freerolled” Divita, since he would never have been reimbursed his buy-in had he not won a seat.

Divita popped up on Twitter to reply to Liebert’s comment about Pat O’Brien where she called into question how the league could bar Divita, yet O’Brien (who has had his own public relations issues over some racy voicemails) is the host of the EPL broadcast: “Funny bar sex offenders from playing then hire one to do commentary. #standards,”

Divita the tweeted the following two messages in response, which point to a possible boycott of EPL events, that he claims 14 people have signed on to:

“There is a rumor that some of the top pro players are boycotting the December Epic Poker League events, unless they pay off that $20,000.00. Do you think that they really will boycott?”

“There was a ‘hotline’ set up 951-207-1100 just to deal with this situation. Several calls came in regarding the boycott, due to the treatment of the players in this, “Players First” Epic Poker League.”

I’d be very curious to see who are these 14 players? Are they card-carrying members of the Epic Poker League or just 14 guys in a casino that won’t play in the Pro/Am?


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