Sep 23 2011

Barney Frank to return campaign donations from Full Tilt Poker

written by: Steve under News Comments: Comments Off

One of the biggest advocates for legalizing and regulating online poker has been Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) so it should come as no surprise that his campaign coffers have been lined by poker players and companies over the past few years, including campaign contributions by Full Tilt poker and individual Full Tilt Poker owners.

Because of the recent troubles of the beleaguered online poker site, Representative Frank has declared that he will give all of the money he has received from Full Tilt poker and its owners to US players who find themselves on the short-end of the stick. Players’ losses are estimated to be $150 million should Full Tilt poker fail to make reparations.

Frank was quoted in the Boston Herald as saying, “I was very disappointed to hear of the allegations… But it doesn’t change my views,” Frank said. “If anything, it strengthens them. Online gambling should be legal, so government can regulate it.”

Frank was first in the firing line, as critics lined up to blast politicians who have received campaign contributions from the online poker industry, as the Herald quoted state GOP spokesman Tim Buckley as saying, “Frank should refund every nickel of the tens of thousands in campaign donations linked to online gambling. It appears Mr. Frank is another congressman willing to associate with criminals.”

According to, “Frank had taken in $18,600 from the board members of Full Tilt Poker since 2007 and another $14,000 from the Poker Players Alliance, a group largely funded by the board members.”

Frank told he would give the money to the defrauded players from the site, and if this was untenable he would donate the money to charity. The Boston Herald further stated that Frank said he sees no reason to return other campaign contributions from other parties in the online poker world.

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