Nov 3 2011

Daniel Santoro Wins WPT Foxwoods

written by: Will under News Comments: Comments Off

After six full days of action, the World Poker Tour Foxwoods Main Event has come to a close. Daniel Santoro survived a final table that lasted 8 hours and included 200 hands to win the grand prize of $450k.

When six-handed final table action began, Steven Brackesy was the chip leader while Andy Frankenberger, a former WPT champion, brought up the rear. Frankenberger managed to escape early elimination in favor of Eli Berg, who hit the rail just three hands into the final table.

In that fateful hand, Berg raised to 36k and was called by both Christian Harder and Frankenberger, who then checked after seeing the K-7-7 flop. Berg raised 73k, causing Frankenberger to fold and Harder to call. A 10 on the turn and a 7 on the river created a full house for Berg, who held K-Q offsuit. It wasn’t enough however, as Harder showed pocket aces and secured the nut full house.

Frankenberger was next to go when his A-10 suited ran into the pocket kings of Harder. The board created a pair of tens for Frankenberger, and he was sent to the cash cage to collect just under $100k. Brackesy fell in fourth place when his A-4 suited was dominated by Santoro’s pocket queens. A few hands later, Santoro showed pocket aces against Bob Carbone’s 10-10. Carbone received $166k for his third place finish, and heads-up play began between Santoro and Harder.

Entering heads-up play, Santoro had a major chip lead of 4.49 million over the 1.23 million held by Harder. A slugfest ensued in which Harder gained ground through a few sizable pots, only to lose it shortly thereafter. Harder finally made a comeback, even passing Santoro’s chip lead briefly.

On the final hand, Santoro held A-K offsuit against the pocket tens of Harder, an even match-up on paper. Harder pushed all-in and looked strong on the J-8-5 flop, as well as the 2 on the turn. However, a king came down on the river, securing the victory for Santoro. Harder received $249k for his second place finish.

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