Dec 13 2011

Doyle Brunson receives first Lifetime Card from Epic Poker League

written by: Steve under News Comments: 1

At the start of the next Epic Poker League Main Event the EPL will honor Doyle Brunson for his lifetime achievements in the world of poker with the first lifetime exemption for the Epic Poker League according to an Associated Press article.

For his part Brunson sees the honor as “unnecessary” but is happy to accept the honor as a token to remember the struggles players faced in the early days of poker: “Poker had died in Las Vegas,” Brunson told the AP. “I think that was probably the turning point — I don’t know if poker would have ever gotten off the ground or not.” Which is when Brunson wrote the seminal poker strategy book, How I made $1 million Playing Poker (later renamed Super System), “It stimulated poker in a way that I don’t think anything else could have,”

As for the award itself, Brunson had this to say, “It’s unnecessary but I guess it’s nice to be remembered for what we went through to get poker to this point… Most people just don’t realize exactly what all transpired … but we went through some pretty adverse things.”

Obviously the honorific will likely mean Brunson will be playing in the upcoming Epic Poker League Main Event, which could bring other poker pros with Epic Poker League cards out of the woodwork to also participate in the event.

You can read the entire AP article at the following link: APNewsBreak: Doyle gets lifetime Epic poker card

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