Nov 22 2011

FairPlay USA adds former FBI agent to Board

written by: Steve under News Comments: Comments Off

The poker advocacy group FairPlay USA has added yet another high-profile member to their Advisory Board. This past week FairPlay USA announced the addition of 25-year FBI veteran Jack Garcia as they continue to fight for clear, commonsense, regulations for the online poker industry.

In a press release sent out by FairPlay USA they announced Garcia’s addition to their Advisory Board where he will join other experts like Parry Aftab, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, 2004 WSOP Main Event Champion Greg Raymer, former FBI director Louis Freeh, and Poker Hall of Famer and Ambassador for the game Mike Sexton.

According to the FairPlay USA press release, “Garcia has seen the face of illegal gambling up close: he worked as an undercover officer in more than 100 operations, including infiltrating the Gambino crime family in New York for nearly three years.” Garcia was later quoted in the press release as saying: “I’ve seen up close the role that illegal gambling plays in funding a whole host of other criminal activities and the power of the internet has given the problem global reach.”

On the FairPlay USA website Marisa McNee, Executive Director of FairPlayUSA had this to say about the addition of Garcia: “Jack further expands the exceptional group of law enforcement and advocacy experts advising FairPlayUSA about how to best address the growing problem of illegal Internet gambling and the need to pair enhanced law enforcement tools with a strict, transparent regulatory structure for online poker… We look forward to having him actively engaged in our education efforts.”

For more information, or to sign the FairPlay USA petition, you can visit their website at


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