Nov 2 2011

Final Table Established at WPT Foxwoods

written by: James under News Comments: Comments Off

The fifth day of action at the World Poker Tour Foxwoods Main Event was a brief one, as the starting field of 8 players only needed to be cut down to 6 in order for a final table to be formed. By the day’s conclusion, Steven Brackesy was on top of the leaderboard with just over 1.8 million chips.

Bob Carbone and Eli Berg went into Day 5 with the shortest stacks of anyone, leading some to assume that they’d be the first eliminated. After about 50 hands, however, a key battle took place between Berg and Jonathan Little.

In the pivotal hand, Little raised to 31k from the small blind, causing Berg to push all-in from the big blind for a whopping 372k. Little called, believing that his K-K would hold up in showdown. His assumption seemed correct when the flop came down 8-7-5, but an ace on the turn allowed Berg to pair up his A-J offsuit. Berg took down the massive pot, crippling Little in the process.

About 9 hands later, Little was in trouble again. He pushed all-in with 9-5 suited against Brackesy’s A-5 offsuit. The board offered no help to either player, giving the pot to Brackesy for ace-high and sending Little to the rail.

Another key battle occurred on the 81st hand between Brackesy and Chris Klodnicki. The flop came down in interesting fashion with 5d-4d-3s. Klodnicki pushed 54k chips into the pot, causing Brackesy to raise all-in with A-6 suited, hole cards that just slightly topped the A-5 suited of Klodnicki. The turn produced a king of diamonds, securing the flush for Brackesy and sending Klodnicki to the rail.

As such the final table will include Steven Brackesy (1,807k chips), Christian Harder (1,293k), Daniel Santoro (1,163k), Bob Carbone (588k), Eli Berg (496k) and Andy Frankenberger (374k).

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