Friday morning finance report to a few of the top executives at the Federal Reserve bank, most of whom are former White House economic advisers, they were asked what changes needed to be made to the way we pay for our basic food, gas, and health care. Among those asked was James Zogby, a former chief economist at Goldman Sachs, whose advice on managing the cost of healthcare was the cause of this week’s news. Zogby, whose research helped launch the Obama economy in 2008, did not rule out any major overhaul of the Medicare system, but said it would not come until Congress had worked out its own reforms.

He was right about the healthcare changes that are now at stake. The Medicare program is already being transform모나코 카지노ed, and Congress has no interest in putting in place a cost-containment solution that does not affect the current level of spending on the program. The plan, if enacted, would end Medicare’s commitment to pay for 베스트 카지노medical care to the extent and for what period of time we choose, and, under Obama’s plan, the government could take that step on its own to pay doctors and other providers less than those who already participate and that do not receive Medicare payments. That’s not what I would consider a good solution.

There’s a lot we can do to lower the cost of everything now, and there’s the longer term — not to mention our debt, we’re not going to get there overnight. If we have a long-term plan to reform our healthcare system, we can make great strides in addressing the problems that will arise over the decades to come, like how to get young people into the workforce, and reducing the burden on the older generations.

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