Sep 29 2011
Full Tilt Attorney “Investors are totally committed”
written by: Steve under News Comments: Comments Off
On Tuesday, Full Tilt Poker released another statement via one of their attorney’s Jeff Ifrah. Ifrah spoke to the poker website –the second such instance that Full Tilt poker has released an exclusive through—where he explained the current situation regarding the possible sale of Full Tilt Poker to a group of French investors:
“The investors are totally committed to doing this- we’ve met with them and seen the funds. Their primary concern right now is the AGCC’s decision on Full Tilt’s license. The investor’s position is that if Alderney revokes the license, they won’t go through with the deal because it makes things too difficult.”
“They called and volunteered to discuss their commitment directly with the commissioners. Without hesitation, they are prepared to review the terms of their offer. Additionally, they’ve hired a prominent and respected lawyer in the gaming industry and are setting up a meeting with the DOJ to try and work out the issues Full Tilt has in the U.S.”
It’s strange to see that the stated sticking point has to do with Full Tilt Poker’s AGCC license. The license itself is simply suspended, and the AGCC would obviously reinstate it once players’ funds were released. Any assurance by the investment group would likely be enough to persuade the AGCC to sign-off on reinstating the license once the deal is complete.
It should be noted that this is not the first time that a representative of Full Tilt poker has claimed a deal was imminent, so take the news for what it is. But any hope at this juncture will be a welcome relief to Full Tilt poker players who still have substantial sums of money frozen on the site.
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