Dec 9 2011

New Tony G poker parody song I’m Qualified hits YouTube

written by: Steve under News Comments: Comments Off

One of my favorite TV poker moments of all-time took place during Season 2 of the Big Game, when Tony G coined the phrase “I’m Qualified”. The term basically means that you have at least a pair or perhaps a draw of some sort (or in the case of Tony G you have at least a runner-runner draw) that allows you to continue in the hand.

The phrase “I’m Qualified” has now been immortalized by QuadJacks Thomas Keeling (better known as SrslySirius) in one of his Weird Al Yankovick style music video spoofs, aptly titled “Tony G is Qualified”! A comical look at some of Tony G’s funnier televised moments, with Tony providing most of the lyrics himself through some creative editing by Keeling.

The video comes after Keeling was nominated by Wicked Chops Poker in their “Best Poker Rapper” Category, and will probably tip the scales to Keeling, who has produced such legendary videos as Black and Yellow (a tribute to Prahlad Friedman joining UB Poker), Party at the DOJ (A Black Friday themed parody), and What’s My Name (summing up the Girah, jungleman and DogIsHead controversy this past summer).

Keeling will be up against one of the people he has parodied in Prahlad Friedman, as well Brett Richey and Jeff Madsen in the “Best Rapper” category at Wicked Chops.

You can check out the new SrslySirius video “I’m Qualified” at the following YouTube link: Tony G is Qualified

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