Oct 26 2011

Old antagonists file new lawsuit against Full Tilt Poker

written by: Steve under News Comments: Comments Off

Over the years there have been plenty of thorns in the side of the Full Tilt Poker, from Clonie Gowen to Deliverance Poker, and now that the site has taken on water in the aftermath of Black Friday, the floodgates are completely opened in terms of litigation against the site. One lawsuit in particular will see Full Tilt Poker take on a pair of old adversaries in Greg Omotoy and Lary Kennedy.

Kennedy and Omotoy filed a lawsuit against the site in 2010, claiming the site improperly seized their funds –Full Tilt’s version of the story was that the pair was multi-accounting (a charge the pair admitted to) and employing poker bots (a charge the pair denies), both of which violate the site’s Terms and Conditions. The case filed by the duo against Full Tilt Poker was eventually dismissed.

Now Kennedy and Omotoy have filed a new Class Action lawsuit, which deviates from a number of other Class Action suits filed in the wake of Black Friday, since Kennedy and Omotoy are seeking not only the frozen funds of players at the site, but also claiming the site “misappropriated funds from player accounts and fed it to the defendants,”.

This lawsuit comes on the heels of a similar complaint filed by several high profile poker players including Todd Terry which is seeking some $150 million in restitution for US players. A similar suit was also filed in Canada.

Full Tilt Poker is also facing litigation from a former rival, Cardroom International, which claims that Full Tilt Poker used their ad-buying clout to force networks like ESPN to use Full Tilt Poker’s software for their play-money sites.

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