Aug 30 2011

Players react to Party Poker’s proposed rake changes

written by: Steve under News Comments: Comments Off

After an uproar from their player base Party Poker has put their new rake structure on hold for the time being, and may possibly scrap the idea altogether. Here is a look at what was supposed to take place at the end of the month:

For some players the changes to the Party Poker rake structure and calculation method will be met with cheers, and for other players it will be met with absolute scorn, as the site has made some major changes to not only the way players are credited with having contributed to the rake (switching from the “Dealt” method to the “Weighted” method) but the site has also dropped the stakes eligible for the Maximum rake collection of $5 from $15/$30 down to $3/$6.

The reason the switch from the “dealt” to the “weighted” method matters so much is that Party Poker patrons receive Two Party Points for every $1 in rake they are seen as contributing. Under the “Dealt” method each player at the table would receive credit for the same amount of rake contribution as long as they were dealt into the hand –In a 6-handed game where $3 in rake was collected each player would be credited with $.50 in rake (1 Party Point).

Using the “Weighted” method players are credited by the amount of the pot they have contributed to. So in the same 6-handed game if two players each contributed $30, and another player contributed $10, the rake would be divided amongst these three players only with the two players contributing $30 receiving credit for about $1.25 in rake each and the player contributing $10 credited with about $.50 in rake.

Obviously this means that players who employ a looser strategy will earn more Party Points, while tighter players will see their Party Points decrease under the new method.

For more information on the new rake structure at Party Poker you can visit their website at

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