Oct 31 2011

Poker pro Kevin MacPhee vents frustrations on Twitter

written by: Steve under News Comments: Comments Off

Here is reason #1,453,922 why you shouldn’t Tweet after being eliminated from the final table of a major poker tournament: After bowing out in 8th place at the EPT San Remo, poker pro Kevin MacPhee decided to forego the customary celebratory drink most would imbibe after winning over $60k, and instead Tweeted about his frustrations with the way he was eliminated.

MacPhee tweeted the following after open-shoving from the SB with a 9BB stack only to get called by Boatman and his Q7s: “I fold 30 hands straight down to 530k then shove 9 bbs in the sb and @barnyboatman calls off with Q7s?!? Is this guy f***ing retarded?” followed up by “Don’t really care what people think about my Barney Boatman statement. I think its a retarded call. I spoke my mind. That is all.”

Boatman ended up replying to the slight, Tweeting in response: “Hi @KevinMacPhee You gave me a strong tell you were weak, though i may have called anyway. Retarded? If you say so. But no hard feelings eh?”

And after a short while MacPhee had apparently calmed down and decided he was out of line, and in a Mitt Romney-esque flip-flop fashion told Boatman: “Sorry for my outburst earlier… was steaming super hard Apologies to @BarnyBoatman too… sorry mate!”

The ever-classy Boatman, one of the UK’s top players and member of The Hendon Mob, put an end to any hostilities the two may have had by graciously accepting the apology: “No worries @KevinMacPhee You are a great player and ran super bad at the end. I know how that feels (the run bad part.) Let’s have a beer.”

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