Residents opposed to kippax library site will meet with Mayor Kenney to discuss potential future uses, including an alternative library, Monday at 1 p.m. in the City Council chambers at 200 W. Fifth St., near the intersection with Route 4A.

In November, a group of local residents wrote an open letter to the city proposing options for the site, which includes replacing the kippax with a new library or building at the location. In the letter, residents noted that the kippax currently resides behind the library building, and they feel it should be relocated to another location, such as a less bu구리출장샵sy parking lot near a road.

But, since that meeting last month, residents haven’t seen a new proposal from the city, and many questions remain about what will be done next for the library on the site.

While there haven’t been any plans announced yet, at least one plan for the library hasn’t changed: The library currently has a large display of historical information, in place of the kippax. But that display also is not used as a storage location or for book distribution.

“There are a number of options available to provide storage for library books,” said Scott Jones, City Manager, City Council Chambers, on Thursday. “Allowing people to take them out of the city has been one of the options on the table.”

In order to better facilitate the project, at least one member of the Community Council of St. Paul will travel the country from St. Paul to work on it. The group includes membe룰렛rs of City Council, the Board of Supervisors, City Council members Dan Gardner and Linda Kerkhoff, as well as council members Mike O’Brien, Jeff Johnson and Carol Schwartz, and Council Member Lisa Bender.

While the City Council will approve changes to the project in May when the land is divided into thirds for City-owned lands, and half in the community, Council member Mike O’Brien believes the community has enough trust in the library to마이다스 카지노 take the project on.

“I’m here because of what the history has been, and the historical importance of this library,” O’Brien said. “I see the whole library in a different light than I do the kippax.

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