Really Bad Reviews of Really Good Books

One of the great benefits of the internet is the way it can give everyone an equal voice. Of custodia iphone 7 plus originale apple course one of the great drawbacks of the internet (for there is no great technological advancement that doesn’t come with cover iphone 7 custodia both benefits and drawbacks) is the way it can give everyone an equal voice. Nowhere do we see this more clearly than in the realm of reviews. Whether you an expert or an amateur, a friend or a foe, a teacher or a student, your review counts equally in the great ratings machine that determines so much of what we buy. The overall rating of that book you’re looking at could have come through reviews written by people knowledgeable in the field, by people completely ignorant in the field, or any combination of the two.

I sometimes force myself to read some of the really bad reviews of some of the really good books. I do this in part for the amusement factor but also to remind myself of the nature of Amazon reviews, for I often use Amazon as a research tool. Reading really bad reviews of really good books reminds me that I cannot put too cover samsung galaxy s6 edge plus much stock in a crowd sourced ratings system like Amazon’s.

Here are some 1 star reviews of books that I would deem very good. In their own way they showcase why we should be careful when allowing Amazon’s star ratings to unduly influence our purchases. In most cases I present these reviews without editing and without comment. Remember, amazon it iphone 5s custodia that in each case these reviews are dragging down the overall rating of the book, perhaps to the point where you’d no longer purchase it. Packer

“I bought this book based on the great reviews here. I made the mistake of buying a digital audio book and the soft cover book here on amazon. If I was not a christian I would never become one after listening to this book. First of all I think this guy is nuts. The book is way tooo complicated and full of negative crap. I have no idea what he is talking about and neither does he. All he keeps talking about is how god is vengeful and an angry god. The soft custodia cover iphone xr cover book when it comes tomorrow will be going back to Amazon. I do not want this crap custodia per samsung tablet a6 in my house.”

“Over 1 million copies sold highly recommended, yes, custodia samsung a5 libro but I choose to make this evaluation for the benefit of the average person who might be directed to choose another book. I think it custodia cover samsung note5 is custodia samsung galaxy s3 written for R C Sproul Wesley Luther and PH D Theology Doctorates. It is mind numbingly dull and mostly incomprehensable besides. I could only read 10 pages in one sitting and with God as my witness, I did read every page of the entire custodia iphone 7 puro book. Lest anyone think religion is just not up my alley, I cover originale apple iphone xr can cite about 200 books on the topic I read over the last 15 years I recommend about 150 of them. I like Timothy Keller and Philip Yancey and revere C S Lewis. So maybe I am way off base here but my recommendation is that one should just read the last 2 pages of this book skip the 1st 280 pages and read Mere Christianity by Lewis instead.”

The Autobiography of George Muller

“This guy although talking of God surely doesn’t believe who God really is. Sproul

“This is not a review of the book but of the title. Am I the only one that notices that this title is synonymous with ‘The Godliness of God’ I inspired to write a book called the ‘Catiness of Cats’.”

“A friend recommended this book to me a while back, and I must say its cover in silicone per iphone 5 one of the most depressing and mean spirited books I’ve ever read. If you watch a movie like Jesus of Nazareth, or even Chronicles of Narnia, you will come out happy and with a feeling that God loves you. This is a false doctrine guaranteed to send you to hell. We are all imperfect in knowledge and understanding, but we must obey the light we have received and so have a perfect conscience towards God. in the Sermon on the Mount by Martyn Lloyd cover samsung expert Jones

“Martyn Jones takes 10,000 words to explain what Christ ‘really’ meant when he related the Beatitudes. Imagine how confused those present at that sermon must have been deprived of Jones verbose custodia cover huawei y6 2017 rendering and how custodia samsung galaxy mini 3 lucky we are to have Jones that wonderfully knows Christ mind.”

Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

“There is a big difference between the old covenant (testament) and the New Testament (blood covenant). Christian did not know this, follow Jesus Christ and read the New Testament instead. Forget this book!”

“I never thought that samsung galaxy tab s3 9.7 custodia I would leave a one star because I think that just the effort of writing a book is worth at least three. But reading this book I start to understand the extreme deception in this world and that is worth at least one star. In this book, Evangelist tells Christian that when he approached Mount Sinai, he approached a direction which leads to death. The Bible tells us the opposite, ///See, today I am setting before you a blessing and a curse: There will be blessing if you obey the commandments of the LORD your God that I am giving you today, but a curse if you do not obey the commandments of the LORD your God and custodia cover samsung s6 edge plus turn aside from the path I command you today/// Deuteronomy 11:27. This book teaches and perpetuates the myth that faith will get you there. I wish you all good luck!”

The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel

“As the title states is inconsistent with the WORD. I did not read it to the end as the inconsistency was obvious.”

Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges

“This is the first book I have read by Jerry Bridges, having done it as part of the study my church small group has recently finished. not involving God in our day to day living, was especially so) the majority of it falls short. I glad I didn have to pay for this book because if I did, I either throw it away or not finish it. Overall, his examples are forgettable or even irrelevant, and the overall tone of the book, to me at least, seemed whiny and self righteous. That said, the one chapter really made me realize that involving God in your life should be a higher priority for me, but if we weren doing this as part of a study, I never would have gotten that far. Overall, if you going to read it, do it with a friend or small group to help move you along, since the conversations we had at small group were way cover brillantini iphone 7 better and insightful than this book.”

Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray

“The language is out of date and unnecessarily academic (as was the style back in the day). Skip this text and go somewhere else. There are lots of better options out there.”

How Then Shall We Live By Francis Schaeffer.

“I regret ordering this book. Every other sentence is about god or Christianity and how everything relates to the two. This books is for religious people that want to feel good about their religion and feel like the world revolves around them. This kind of misinformation and twisting of the facts belongs in the trash can, not in people hands. I should have know better than to order a books based solely on cover apple iphone 7 amazon the title and outline. It looked interesting. O well. I sniff those religious fools better next custodia samsung j3 2016 originale time.”

“Schaeffer, a Christian evangelist, goes through the decadence of the West. Needless to say he remains quite close minded, presenting only things that fit in the calvinist branch of Christianity. What is terrible is that he is kind of saying that there can be no civilization without Christianity!! What about Greece and Rome then This is not only stupid, but also dangerous : does he want to run another Holocaust to fix custodia samsung smt580 the problem of the majority of the people, who are not Christian but disdain Christianity”

The Cross of Christ by John Stott

“This book is bad stuff because it doesn emphasize eternal damnation in Hell. Without Hell and eternal damnation, God did not have to take on human flesh to die in a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins. John Stott really needs to read his Bible carefully.

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